
What To Do If You Find Bees In Your Yard

Do you know what to do if you find bees in your yard? Since the honey bee population is dwindling. Don’t kill them. Bees are some of the most important insects on our planet. They both pollinate and allow food to grow. Farmers rent beehives to pollinate their crops. Also, who doesn’t like honey? Without honey bees, we have no honey. So here are a few methods to get rid of bees without killing them.

If you have a bee problem, then here’s what to do.

Overall, it’s best to hire a professional. However, if you must do it yourself, then please wear proper equipment – both leather gloves and a beekeeper suit. Bees, especially in large quantities, can be very dangerous. If you have a bee allergy, then definitely call in a professional.
  • Smoke

Smoke is probably the most effective way of getting honey bees away from your home and keeping them away. Honey bees are very sensitive to smell and when they smell smoke they think it’s a forest fire, causing them to leave and most likely never come back. Build a smoky fire with cardboard and dead firewood right under the beehive. Don’t stick around to watch the bees get smoked out. They will become aggressive when agitated so it’s best to go back inside.
  • Garlic Spray

Once again, bees have a strong sense of smell and we all know garlic has a very strong scent. Crush a couple of cloves of garlic and mix it with water to create a garlic spray. Spray it around your home and around their hive to try to get them to leave.
  • Citronella

Citronella works on mosquitos and bees. If you have beehive inside, then you can use citronella candle to get them to leave. It won’t harm them, but it will take a while to get them to leave. You’ll have to leave the candles burning for a few days in order for it to be effective. If it’s windy outside or raining then the bees won’t go out into it, so make sure you do this on a day when it will work best.
  • Peppermint

Peppermint has a very strong smell that honey bees don’t like. If you have a particular area of your home that you don’t want bees to frequent, plant peppermint plants. You’ll drive the bees away, plus you’ll get to use the peppermint when needed.
  • Cinnamon

Cinnamon’s strong smell repels honey bees. Spread it over the areas that you want to repel the bees. You’ll have to do this daily for about a week for it to last longer. This method works well if you want to drive bees away from your home, but not completely out of your yard. If you don’t mind having bees around, but don’t want them around your porch or doors, then this method should work for you.

What To Do If You Find Bees In Your Yard: Always wear protective gear when you get near them!

Classic Pest Control and Insulation

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