
Top 4 House Bugs to Look Out for in Western Washington

With our climate and environment, Washington homes are susceptible to various household pests, especially these top 4 house bugs to look out for in Western Washington. Being aware of them — and properly treating them — is crucial for maintaining a healthy and pest-free home.

1. Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are a threat because they make nests in and around our homes. They don’t actually eat wood, but they can cause considerable and costly damage to structures.

Identification: Carpenter ants are large, black or reddish-brown ants that often nest in wood. They leave behind sawdust-like debris and create small holes in wooden structures.

Treatment: Professional pest control services can locate and remove carpenter ant colonies. Treating the infested wood with insecticides may also be necessary.

Importance of Treatment: Left untreated, carpenter ants can cause significant structural damage to your home by hollowing out wood. This can weaken the integrity of your house and lead to costly repairs.

Not sure it’s a carpenter ant you’re looking at? Read more about common ants in Washington State here.

2. Spiders

Common house spiders in Western Washington include the hobo spider, yellow sac spider and black widow.

Identification: Hobo spiders are brown with distinctive funnel-shaped webs. Yellow sac spiders are yellow, white, or a greenish color, with legs and upper body that are darker than the lower body. Black widows are shiny and black with a red hourglass shape on their abdomen.

Treatment: Regular pest control treatments can help manage spider populations. Eliminating their webs and removing clutter can also discourage them from nesting and keep them away from your home altogether.

Importance of Treatment: While most house spiders in Western Washington are not dangerous, black widows can deliver a venomous bite that may require medical attention. Reducing their presence in your home is essential for safety.Learn more about other common

3. Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets (not to be confused with hornets) are aggressive nuisance pests with venomous stings.

Identification: Yellow jackets are yellow and black wasps that often build their hives in attics, wall voids, crawlspaces, under decks, and on the eaves of homes.

Treatment: Yellow jacket nests should only be removed by professional pest control experts. Attempting to remove them yourself can be dangerous, as these wasps can sting repeatedly when threatened.

Importance of Treatment: Yellow jackets pose a significant threat to personal health due to their painful stings, which can trigger severe allergic reactions in some individuals. Ignoring a yellow jacket nest on your property can put you, your family, and pets at risk of stings, potentially leading to serious health complications.

4. Silverfish

Silverfish are home invaders that can cause widespread damage to furnishings, food, and personal belongings.

Identification: Silverfish are small, wingless insects with elongated, flattened bodies that are silver or gray in color. They are often found in damp, dark areas like basements, bathrooms, and kitchens.

Treatment: Reducing moisture levels in your home is crucial to preventing silverfish. Use dehumidifiers and fix leaks. Additionally, sealing cracks and crevices can help keep them out. Insecticides can be used as a last resort.

Importance of Treatment: Silverfish are known for damaging paper products, books, and textiles. They are not harmful to humans, but can be a nuisance and cause damage to cherished belongings if left unchecked.

Get Professional Help Dealing with These Pests

Addressing these top 4 common house bugs in Western Washington is vital for safeguarding your home and health. Ignoring these pests can lead to structural damage, health risks, and increased pest populations.

For the safety and well-being of your family and the longevity of your property, it’s essential to seek professional pest control services to tackle these issues effectively. Regular pest inspections and prevention measures can also help keep your home pest-free in the long run.

Contact us to discuss your treatment options and get a free estimate.

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