
3 Signs of Spider Infestation

Is it time to call in the pros to help manage the spider population in and around your home? Here are the top 3 signs of spider infestation to help you decide …

1. Spider Webs

More than one or two spider webs that pop up here and there might be a sign that your spider population has gotten out of control. If you see spider webs in multiple corners, nooks and crannies — inside or outside your home — you should call in a pro for an expert evaluation of the situation.

2. Spider Egg Sacs

If you see a small, usually white or off-white, ball in a spider web or attached to a wall with webbing, it may be a spider egg sac. Spiders lay hundreds of eggs in a single egg sac. So if you see a sac, consider it an early warning sign of the coming infestation once those babies hatch.

3. Spiders Themselves

Most spiders are shy creatures, and they don’t usually bring attention to themselves. So those you see are just a small fraction of the population that’s really there … like the tip of an iceberg. Where there’s one spider you can see, there are many more hidden where you can’t see them.

What To Do if You See Any of These Signs

Any one of these signs by itself may be a warning … an indication that you should start paying attention and get a professional inspection in the near future. If you see 2 or all 3 signs of spider infestation, you should seek help right away before things get out of control. Most household spiders aren’t dangerous, but some are. Most won’t bite, but sometimes they do. And if someone in your household is sensitive to a spider bite, it can be serious. You don’t have to put up with a spider infestation, and you shouldn’t deal with one on your own. We’re here to help. Contact us today.